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Bonoflex Extra 60 Orange Chewable Tablets

SAR 180.00
In stock

reduces osteoarthritis pain, increase joint mobility and decrease the need for painkillers.

Product Description:

Bonoflex extra has a unique formula of..

Glucosamine 1000 for osteoarthritis which build cartilage.
Chondrotin also natural component for osteoarthritis..
MSM anti inflammatory for joint. inflammation and swelling and oedema.
Vit d 3 enhance calcium absorption.
Vitk2 make activation of osteocalcin protein which fix calcium on bones.
Vit b 12 as neuro tonic.
How to use:

2 tablets chewed by mouth per day.
Caution & Warnings:

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Supplements aren’t intended as a substitute for normal balanced diet.

Glucosamine 1000 mg, chondrotin 500mg, MSM 500mg, vit d3 400 IU, vit k2, vit b12

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